How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I feel the combination of my ancillary texts and my main product are effective, they all work along side each other to attempt to sell out film successfully. One of the killing scenes in our film trailer is where one of Catie's (Sarah) friends is killed while she is taking a bath. This scene is then linked in with both the magazine and our poster. On the bottom of our magazine we placed a film strip with a few still shots of the different scenes throughout our trailer, the bath scene was one of these. On our poster we used an image of Catie (Sarah) taking a shower while there is the killer (Ben I) stood behind her in a dark hoody, holding a knife in his right hand. Both of these link back to the main product in the sense of a character being killed in a bath/shower. Which enables the main product and the ancillary tasks to work well as an effective combination.
Both the magazine front cover and the poster help to anchor the fact that Ben (Ben C) is the killer which although we know he isnt, the audience don't, which was our intension, to put the audience/reader in suspense. Therefore the magazine, poster and the film trailer all betray the same thing, that Ben (Ben C) is the killer which is evidence that they are an effective combination.
My poster has six individual pictures of the six main characters which help to establish who are the main characters is the film trailer and would make the audience/reader focus more on the main characters. The faces of the characters were all placed specially, around the knife that the guy in the main image is holding, to suggest that they are the victims. The audience then don't know who the killer is as all of their faces are in the poster. This again helps the film trailer as we don't want the audience the know who the killer is.

The main image on the poster is of a brunette girl, however, there is nothing to suggest that the girl in the picture is Catie (Sarah), the main protagonist, it could quite easily be one of the other brunette girls ( Sarah's friends). The audience then don't know who the killer is about to kill, it could be any of the girls. However the film trailer shows Catie's friends being killed so if the audience watched the film trailer they would know but the film trailer ends with Catie's (Sarah) reaction to a dark figure stood behind her with a knife. The poster is helping the film trailer to put the audience in suspense. The image on the front of the film poster could also be seen to be a violent image which then works well with the film trailer's genre and audience as it is full of violent images which gives it the
BBFC classification of '15'.Sexual content could also be seen in thsi image as well due to the fact that there is a girl in a shower which will also help make the poster and the film trailer an effective combination.

On our poster we chose to use two reviews due to the lack of space, had there been more space on the poster we would have used 3 as we found that a code and convention for a film poster was that they had 3 film reviews on them. One of the reviews was from a US film magazine
'Fangoria' we chose this film magazine because this is a source which we felt would appeal to our target audience and that it would market our film better as this film magazine does specialise in horrors. Therefore the genre of the film and the reviews on the film poster are a good combination.
On the front of our magazine there are other references of movies such as
'Psycho' and
'The Shining' which are 2 of the top 10 horror films. In the horror film industry these films will be well known and will help to establish the genre of our magazine and will therefore help establish the genre of our film to the audience/reader.
For all of these reaons i feel my main product and my ancillary tasks are an effective combination.
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